- 19:13 DIY/male grooming – it’s the way forward #
- 09:44 @marcreeves but he did it with a pair of pliers… #
- 09:46 now over 100 loldeirdres and each one funnier than the last. thanks interweb www.flickr.com/photos/loldeirdre/ #
- 10:44 @aeioux @BhamPostJoanna only if you all pluck something with tools #
- 10:59 @BhamPostJoanna does that hurt? #
- 15:13 @ruthward can you subscribe to calendars with your system ?- in Google calendar I susbscribe to a "UK Holidays" feed #
- 15:14 @bluemilkshake There’s a fine selection of RFTC and Rthe Reverand Horton Heat on there #
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