I tried to upgrade to the new iPhone, I was up at 8am trying on the O2 store last week — it crashed, it was slow, and when I finally got to order there was absolutely no confirmation. Turns out I got a text yesterday saying that my order was received after stock ran out, and I’d get a new phone “soon”. Still, never mind I thought – the 2.0 software update will be something good.
All over the internet yesterday was talk of the Apps store, and the fact that you could download the 2.0 upgrade if you followed a link and did it manually. I held off until about noon today when the update was officially available to us in the UK — if anything went wrong I wanted to be able to follow the instructions exactly.
Plugging in, I selected “update” left the room, I knew I’d be nervous and it was best not to look.
The update failed with an “unknown error”. Then a restore failed. I know have a phone that says “emergency only” and shows to connect to iTunes.
I connect to iTunes and get a message that says :
“Could not complete your iTunes store request … error -9838”.
And that’s where I am.
I’ve had iPod or computer troubles before, you kind of get to live with them and look stuff up on the internet, or book an appointment at the “Genius Bar” and wait.
But this is not just my iPod, it’s my phone. And to a large part my business too.
Apple, O2, f-king EPIC FAIL.
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