- 19:04 off to party on the balcony at the rotunda. Would rather watch Austria v Poland I think. #
- 20:15 heard much more pro 23rd than anti. Suggestions for a new city centre venue to try? #brumbloggers #
- 22:17 watching rotunda the band play halfway up the rotunda ( the building) which I’d fucking awesome actchewely #
- 09:24 Off for my unruly mop of hair cut. I’m going to try this place. it has a webcam, if you want to watch snurl.com/2h180 #
- 09:55 walking into barbers now #
- 10:34 good things about barbers: tv, wifi, mac, no talking. Not sure about haircut tho #
- 10:41 have left barbers. Think you’ve all missed it. #
- 12:13 Flapper sounds like a nice canalside plan. Last call for #brummbloggers to object? #
- 12:14 Flapper (snurl.com/2h4sh) sounds like a nice canalside plan for Monday 23rd "in the evening". Last call for #brummbloggers to object? #
- 12:16 Better link tinyurl.com/5ffa9u&firkin.htm #
- 12:41 #brumbloggers Meet-up "in the evening" Monday 23rd June at The Flapper and Firkin – details here: snurl.com/2h5c8 see you there loves #
- 14:49 You thought you’d seen every variation on the football with amusing facial hair theme, but no. snurl.com/2h84w Unbelieveable. #
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